Was watching this beautiful video earlier & practicing this piece (which I taught myself from the video a while ago):
Anyway, between that & playing Prayer all the time, I was thinking that my upper register on the A string really sucks ... so I thought I'd do some practicing, which meant a combination of scales and arpeggios (which I found infinitely more challenging & useful) ...
"Scales" are basically practicing 2nds ... usually with alternating fingers
Shifting 2nds is fairly easy for me ... now shifting 3rds, and shifting 4ths a bit harder ...
Right now I was working on same finger shifting (ie 1-1 then 2/3/4) ... eventually, working on different finger shifting will be a thing ...
My favorite way to practice arpeggios is diatonically ... C Eb G D F Ab Eb G Bb etc. taking time on each one to make sure I've gotten the shift
The challenge for me is getting a full sound out of the cello without excess tension & getting tired (and of course, accuracy of pitch, along with directness of shift) ... not sure I succeeded
One thing I did a decent job of though is shifting by feeling, rather than by sight ... I find this much more boring/challenging than watching ... but also, ultimately more useful...
Music is the sound between the notes...