So, continuing the Road Saga, a few weeks ago the Eli August band played up in Nova Scotia ... 15+ hours of driving each way, for one of the specialest gigs I've ever played!! 2nd time I've ever been to Canada (the first time was with Edensong in Quebec City)...
We were headed up to Sherbrooke ("Oh the year was 1778, How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now..." quickly became the anthem of the trip), but detoured in Halifax along the way. Halifax it turned out was mostly a boring city (with interesting people). We stopped by Prospect Point Park, which was really wonderful... particularly when we got to the (Rock) Beach section of it & I was able to just wander off for a bit... otherwise, we hit a pub where the music was far too loud & I've sworn off Strongbull (In addition to Magners) - Angry Orchard & Woodchuck are really my go to ciders. This added a bunch of hours to our trip, and the last hour or so was spent on a never-ending windy road...
The Time Traveler's Reunion was in a period village - in the middle of nowhere, on the water. It was blissful. Everybody at the event was quite friendly, and we played in a church for a "Radio Broadcast", and at a picnic. It's a bit challenging to describe the whole thing really, but wandering around a whole village in beautiful weather & getting to see old tool shops & woodworking & pottery making & all was really amazing. The other performers on the radio broadcast were a young punk accordion/banjoist, a gentleman strip-teaser, and a skit. I ended up helping out with sound a bit/saved the gentleman's set by having an extra 1/8th to 1/4 cable, so he could hook his laptop into the system. In some ways, Canada was less foreign than I expected, but different/nicer. I've had it confirmed by Canadians that I sound like I'm from Canada... also, Drunken Cards Against Humanity with bandmates is fun!!!
In between Canada & North Carolina, the was Ludo's Broken Bride at Ars Nova (in New York)... 2 rehearsals, and then tech/show in the same day... it all came together really pretty well... Rob & Alex of The Rose West joined me in the band, as well as Josh from And the Traveller... I got to meet half of Ludo, which was really exciting! They were very cool/nice!! Easily one of the specialist gigs I've done...
Now I'm on my way back from Contemporal... North Carolina was interesting... nice & warm!! People were friendly & unique & a bit more affectionate/expressive than up in New York. I got to meet Nerdvana & hear a bit of The Gin Rebellion as well as Extraordinary Contraptions... we also went and played at a place called Davenport nearby. I also had the chance to reconnect with a former teacher of mine, which was absolutely splended. Continuing the theme of my bow curse, I broke the new bow I had just ordered off of Ebay (which turned out to be good, since it was a *really crappy* bow and would have been useless by the end of the weekend anyway)... I also shredded through another bow (which I had stopped using after World Steam Expo last year) during our second set (which the sound guy just didn't show up to...) & had to go buy one from Sam Ash. After Friday's set, a fan asked me for the broken bow & I signed it... totally unexpected, but really cool... also, a few other people told me that we'd been the highlight of their weekend.
Definitely next time we go to Canada & NC, we'll have to make mini-tours out of the trips...
My next Tales From the Road is gonna be about playing ON A BOAT!!
See ya on the road!!
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