Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Out of Time

I've decided I'm not going to blog for the rest of the festival ...

at the end of the festival, I'll put up all the other masterclasses & some concert reviews (maybe) & last thoughts/impressions, but I'm not getting what I need to get done done & it's becoming a problem ..> I use a lot of time for the computer, and don't quite have the option of skipping concerts, generally, so comp. time is cut out ... I have to go to sleep now ...

had an amazing night/matt haimovitz concert though ... I'm giving him lots of music that I think is cool tomorrow...


gottagopractice said...

Thanks for the reports so far, though. It IS hard to keep up while life is happening.

Anonymous said...

the big deal over aaron is not only his history, which has him living though a golden age of violin players, but his muiscality. i went to one of his master classes and it was wonderful to see what he transmitted to the young players and how he treated them. i also attended some of the other master classes and would have to say they were not the masters aaron is.

he is old and not in the best of health and his choice of material was not so adventurous but you could feel a sense of magic in the room that i did not feel with the others i heard. i very much enjoyed the other concerts i heard and have great respect for the players but each of them seemed far more attainable than he did. it is old music they are playing and i guess there is something to be said for the feeling that old guy is able to pass along. his playing of the brahms had some very special moments. i dont think he is the greatest of the golden age fiddle players but he does play in their league.