Today was an exceptional & fun day ... tomorrow, I really need to get some practice in, like hardcore!
So today:
-I woke up really late, b/c my alarm malfunctioned: 10:30, jetted to rehearsal, did lights & played for the adult chamber concert
-went out to eat w/ Chuck/Chassandra/David Whiteside (who's a pretty cool guy!),
-talked w/ David Krieger about daily technical exercises that I'm going to start (thumb position - octaves and thirds, doing both voices individually and then combining them) ... he said I have no sense of/confidence in thumb position - he's totally right!
-went to birthday party for my mother, played happy birthday for her (was quite exhausted by this point)
-did lights for Victor Danchenko's concert - his playing is interesting ... not 100% my style, but very good ... I've noticed there's certain teachers who show up at every concert ... I have a lot of respect for them...
Mapped out the light board w/ this kid Andy & reprogrammed the cues (and consequently learned about how the actual light board worked) - he does lights for his high school & they have an amazing light crew ... he said he was the worst of them basically, and this kid knew his shit ... worked great for both of us ... I haven't done lights since middle school basically...
Talked w/ Caity about doing some cello duets & met a few new people
A lot of people seem to think I improvise my fingerings ... it's frustrating ... mostly I just haven't practiced enough ... it's hard to find the time, plus be social, plus do concerts, plus attend everything, but it made me realize something ... I improvise my bowing! I realized it while playing Chausson earlier ... so I'm gonna plan that from now on, and map out how different bowings give me different effects...
I may do a recap/summary of people I've met/stuff I've done soon ... not sure ...
Going to sleep now...
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